Trade Association Memberships

Trade Association Memberships

The International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (or FIATA, French: Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés) is a global NGO representing over 40,000 forwarding and logistics companies.

FAMS is active in FIATA’s African member organisations. The logistics industry is evolving in a rapidly changing global environment. It is critical that industry interests be promoted and service quality improves.

FAMS staff are long standing members of local FIATA organisations and have been active participants, previously chairing national committees. FAMS continues to engage on a local basis and encourage staff to join their local FIATA member organisations. Key objectives of local FIATA associations include training and standardisation to improve the quality of services rendered by freight forwarders through developing and promoting uniform forwarding documents and standard trading conditions. FIATA organisations are also assisting in developing tools for e commerce.