Compliance Statement
Compliance Statement
FAMS recognizes the fundamental principle that compliance management and observing the highest standards of consistent compliant behaviour is our ticket to doing business. We work according to the recognized local and international laws.
As a logistics provider working across Southern Africa, and working in partnership with global logistics providers, we operate in a range of countries with very different political systems, laws and cultural values. FAMS has an obligation to work in an ethically and legally responsible way in our dealings with all our suppliers, business partners, customers, and government organisations. Ensuring legally compliant conduct in our business activities and when dealing with our employees is an essential part of who we are.

The Directors and management of FAMS lead by example in both behaviour and values. Through training, encouraging the reporting of any compliance violations, developing a Code of Conduct to which all employees must adhere, FAMS Group aims to maintain the highest international standards of compliance both in the company and from its sub-contractors and suppliers. FAMS recognises and adheres to the UK Bribery Act 2010 and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.